Steam & Railway Image Library - The Alan Ledger Collection

E102 BOAVISTA 10/05/1973
E102 BOAVISTA 10/05/1973

Hi all,
I always loved going to Portugal as it was possible to see really old steam engines at work. This wonderful portrait shot we were able to get is of E102 a 2-6-0 Tank built in 1907 by Esslingen of Germany and still happily at work 66 years later. They had such character, with large electric lights, brass numbers, safety valves on top of the dome, a jack on the running plate along with an oil can, and a big wooden tool box on top of the side water tank. This is the main narrow gauge depot at Boavista in Oporto. Above the white building on the right of the picture above the stone wall is the main line into Trindadi station.
Thursday 10th May 1973.
Regard Ledg..

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