Steam & Railway Image Library - The Alan Ledger Collection

Picture of the Week: West Germany
Picture of the Week: West Germany

2 pictures this week, same train. West German 012-055 oil burning 3 cylinder pacific from Rheine taken on a cold winters afternoon with the setting sun silhouetting the train. Here it is not long after passing Lathen, a small rural town in northern Germany, travelling at some speed with the 15.09 Norddeich to Cologne express.

It wouldn’t be long before we set off back to our nice warm hotel by Lathen station for the night, having spent a cold winters day walking to different locations out in the country side to take photographs on this very busy steam worked line. (No fences abroad to keep you off the railway!) This area was very prone to fog at this time of the year and sometimes didn’t clear all day but luck was with us this time. I love the bare trees.


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