I have always wanted a cherry tree in blossom in a picture with a steam engine. We had been walking the line out in the country side near Kubshutz and there it was, so I had to get it at all costs! The bonus was when the train came two people from the house came out and the lady can be seen waving to the driver. Here we are 38 kilometres 600 meters from Dresden on the line to Gorlitz on the Polish Czech, border as Deutsches Reichsbahn ( East German) Pacific 03-2001 sweeps down the hill between Kubshutz and Bautzen with train D1854 the 14.57 Gorlitz to Dresden. On this side of the line beyond the telegraph pole you can see that the house owners allotment is freshly dug for the new years crop to be sown or planted out. This was and probably still is a common sight out in the country alongside the railways in Germany as there is free access along the line side. You just walked across the track and there was an extension to your garden.